Top 10 Nutritious Foods to Consume with Health Benefits in 2024
Top 10 Nutritious Foods to Consume with Health Benefits in 2024
With the current pandemic Covid-19 that occurred in 2020, many people also lost their lives. The No.1 reason attributed to their death is not due to the deadly virus, but due to the unhealthy lifestyle and eating habits. However, this resulted in a less immunity system of the body which has taken so many lives. Also, obesity is attributed to the major cause of death due to Covid-19. So now it’s time to take action and prepare yourself for a healthy lifestyle. As the saying goes, ” Health is Wealth”, so it’s time to switch to healthy eating habits. In this article, you will not only get to learn about the benefits but what to include in your diet.
Top 10 Nutritious Foods to Consume with Health Benefits in 2024
- Strong immune system to fight against Covid-19.
- Moreover, Protects against heart disease, cancer, and other major diseases.
- Helps in increasing life span.
- Keeps the digestive system and gut health better.
- Not only strengthens the bones and muscles of the body but also the joints such as tendons and ligaments.
- Moreover, Improves memory and brain health.
- Also, Keeps Diabetes and Blood pressure under control.
- Improves the sleeping pattern.
- Aids in weight loss and keeping the body fit and healthy
- Keeps your mood happy.
Top 10 Nutritious Foods to Consume in 2024 | Foods to include
1. Lactose-Free Milk
- They are gut-friendly and easy to digest.
- The minerals present help keep the heart healthy
- Complete source of protein.
- The phosphorus present keeps the bones stronger.
- Vitamin D present aids in absorbing calcium in the body.
2. Brown sugar
Although people say there is no difference between brown sugar and white sugar, brown sugar has minerals like iron, potassium, magnesium, and calcium in minute quantities due to the presence of molasses. Hence it’s beneficial for intake compared to white sugar.
3. Lemon Water
This is one of the first and foremost things you should do in the morning. Lemon water has many benefits:
- It is a good source of Vitamin C, that protects the cells from damage caused by free radicals. It helps in the repair of body tissues and protects from the common cold up to a certain extent.
- Lemon water also has antioxidants, that aid in weight loss and rehydrate your entire body.
- It improves the skin texture, such as from wrinkles. dry skin due to aging and sun damage.
- Prevents kidney stones due to the presence of citric acid.
- Aids in digestion and prevents constipation.
- Acts as a natural mouthwash and prevents bad breath.
4. Oats
Oats are one of the most important meals to be included especially during breakfast. It is a great substitute for rice and other carbohydrates and is a soluble fiber to eat. The benefits of eating oats are:
- Oats contain many essential vitamins and minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium, Vitamin B1, etc. It is also rich in fiber and protein content.
- They are rich in antioxidants which protect the body tissues from harmful free radicals.
- It contains powerful soluble fiber that reduces blood sugar and cholesterol levels
- Oatmeal keeps you filled and helps in weight loss.
5. Quinoa
Quinoa is another one of the most important meals for breakfast that keeps the weight at bay. It is a sort of cereal grain that is rich in essential nutrients. The benefits of eating quinoa are:
- Quinoa contains many essential vitamins and minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium, Vitamin B1, etc. It is also rich in fiber and protein content.
- They contain many plant-based antioxidants which have many benefits.
- It is a gluten-free product and is perfect for weight loss.
- Has a Low Glycemic Index and keeps blood sugar in control.
6. Pulses(Legumes)
Pulses or legumes such as beans, peas, and lentils have been consumed for many years. It has become one of the staple diets for many people. The benefits of eating pulses are:
- Pulses, however, contain protein, fibers, vitamins, and minerals essential for our body.
- Pulses have antioxidants that protect the body tissues from free radicals. It also has cancer-fighting properties.
- Pulses improve blood pressure, platelet activity, and inflammation.
- It has a low glycemic index beneficial for people with diabetes.
7. Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are a staple diet for many people. But many people don’t realize its value and thrive on junk foods and fast food. Eating fruits and vegetables has many nutritional benefits such as:
- Moreover contains essential vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C, Vitamin B-9 (Folic Acid), and Potassium.
- Also, Rich in fiber which is beneficial for the intestine and prevents digestion-related issues.
- Perfect for weight loss and maintaining good health.
- Reduces the risk of heart disease and keeps a check on blood sugar.
Try to have an apple a day, one of the best fruits to maintain good health.

8. Apple Cider Vinegar
Take a small 1-2 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink regularly. Moreover, It provides many benefits for maintaining good health such as:
- Improves digestion and acts as a natural laxative.
- Lowers Blood sugar levels.
- Helps in weight loss.
- Prevents some types of cancer up to a certain extent.
- Improves heart health by controlling blood pressure.
- Controls cholesterol level up to a certain extent.
9. Dry Fruits and Nuts
3 cashew nuts, 3 Almonds, and a few raisins in the morning, and you have taken one step closer to a healthy lifestyle. Yes, dry fruits have been one of the great sources of nutrition, especially for vegetarians who are looking to get fit and healthy. The benefits of having dry fruits are:
- Furthermore, they help in the prevention of Cancer
- A good source of protein for muscle and strength building.
- Rich source of vitamins and minerals such as Iron, Potassium, Riboflavin, etc. Keeps bones, teeth, and skin healthy.
10. Dark Chocolate
Who doesn’t love chocolates, everyone eats chocolates regularly. But do you know dark chocolate has proven to be much more beneficial compared to other milk chocolates. A small amount of dark chocolate taken each day has many health benefits such as:
- However Cocoa is rich in magnesium, manganese, iron, and fiber which is beneficial for us.
- Quite powerful numerous antioxidants way more than any food items.
- Also, Lowers the blood pressure.
- In addition, Prevention against heart diseases.
- Further Decreases bad cholesterol.
Top 10 Nutritious Foods to Consume with Health Benefits | Conclusion
Good health is not only about keeping yourself physically fit but mentally also. Moreover, Mental health includes having a positive attitude toward life and leading an stress-free life. one of the practices is including Yoga and Meditation. Do check out my article on What are the benefits of Yoga and Asanas
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Good news for all my beloved readers! My name is Vinay and I have started life coaching to guide you in your life journey. I help you find out the answers to the questions you always wanted to know and acknowledge. Feel free to drop a WhatsApp text, give a call, or simply send a message in the chat box of my blog.
Also, apart from healthy eating habits, we have to focus on keeping ourselves fit physically and mentally. Moreover, one of the main aspects is Yoga and Asanas. You can’t achieve this true alignment through Yoga practices all by yourself. You need a mentor, a guardian, a friend for life who would guide you to achieve this inner peace and alignment. We have started online classes where we teach Yoga Asana, Meditation, and a special Breathwork Workshop. Feel free to contact us or drop us a message.