
The Diary Of a 35-Year Old Single Unmarried Man

The Diary of a 35-Year-Old Single Unmarried Man in 2024

Yes, that has been the story of my life. My last relationship was 17 years ago when I was in school. The relationship was a disaster though and eventually, my partner ended up cheating on me. I had the terrible wound of that cheating. I was not able to move on. Since I was quite young and didn’t have the maturity to deal with the breakup, I wanted her to come back to me at any cost. Though, I used to try shitty things but that backfired on me.

Then, college days came, I liked a girl and wanted to pursue her. She also, liked me but she used to conduct shit tests on me like most women do on guys they like. But, I wasn’t mature enough, I quickly lost patience, and then that pursuit led to nowhere. She left and my college days ended.

The Diary of a 35-Year-Old Single Unmarried Man

Then I met a girl, who was a bit older than me. And she wanted to marry me then. But I wasn’t ready to get married and took her for granted, so she left me and married someone else.

Then after that, women entered my life, but still lacking maturity, failed their tests, reacted badly, and slowly each one of them left me breaking contact.

Finally, after 5 years I met a woman, who was deeply into me. I passed all her tests. She wanted to marry me. But what mistake I made was I took her for granted. Sadly, after 4 years of knowing her and she waited me for so long, she finally married someone else. I never expected her to marry someone else but she did. That was the turning point of my life. Because of this suffering and emotional suppression, I encountered some terrible and life-threatening health issues.

The Diary of a 35-Year-Old Single Unmarried Man | Regrets in 2024

With this terrible pain and trauma, I became a humble person. I started respecting every individual. My anger issues were resolved. Then Finally, Last year. I met a girl whom I love unconditionally. And she has helped me recover from health issues for which I am truly grateful. She conducted tests on me but I had patiently dealt with it. Few months back I proposed to her but she didn’t respond. Still I kept my patience and constantly provide her with my support and kindness. I am just waiting for her to say Yes. Whatever would be her answer I would accept it with full honesty.

The Diary of a 35 Year Old Single Unmarried

The Lesson That I Learnt with this experience

Never Keep your Ego so high, that you start to consider yourself superior and others inferior. Keep your feet grounded and slowly you would start attracting the right kind of people.

I have documented all my years of experience in a blog with life advice. Do check out my blog for more advice.

Do guys check out the book by Jay Shetty 8 Rules of Love.


The Diary of a 35 Year Old Single Unmarried

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